Greater Miami Chapter

About the Greater Miami Chapter

The Greater Miami Chapter of the FIDF was founded in 1998 by Paul Kwitni z”l, Miriam Jacobi , Nily Falic, Moshe Bondar, Masza Rok, Malka Kurkin, Tania Friedman, Eva Kokiel, Jack Chester, and Adela Burnstyn. Today we have almost 31,000 supporters who are either snowbirds or hail from Cuba, Columbia, Venezuela, Mexico, Argentina, Canada, or Israel.

Our chapter has funded a wide range of capital projects for Israel’s soldiers, including: the Elias & Sarita Bibliowicz Synagogue, the Braman Family Synagogue, the Isaac and Nieves Olemberg and Family Cultural and Educational Sports Centers, the Braman Family Medical Center, the Falic Family Cultural, Educational & Sports Center for the Givati Brigade, the Florida Cultural Center on the Naval Base in Haifa, the Florida House in Ashkelon, and the Bahad 1 Infirmary.

Providing educational opportunities to soldiers is a major focus for our region. We have sponsored hundreds of IMPACT! students over the years and are currently funding nearly 200. We have also adopted the Golani Brigade and are currently supporting the Yehuda, Shomron, Binyamin, Menashe, Efrayim, and Etzion regional commands, as well as the Lions of Golan, Bislach 17, and the David Sling battalions.

Throughout the year, it is our pleasure to host a variety of events for our community, including parlor meetings, musical ensembles, movie nights, family days, casino nights, pool parties and our Annual Gala, which attracts upwards of 1,000 people and raises up to $3.5 million. We are fortunate to count the following foundations as benefactors of our cause: Robert Russell memorial Foundation, Jack Chester Foundation, Norman and Irma Braman Foundation, Phillip and Patricia Frost Philanthropic Foundation, Inc., Olemberg Family Foundation, and the Cherna Moskowitz Foundation.


Contact this chapter to learn how you can get involved with FIDF locally.

Executive Committee

Sam Moshe – President Evelyn Katz*
Gabriel Groisman – Vice President Dr. Shmuel Katz*
Edith Newman – Vice President Nathan Lewinger*
Nily Falic – National Chairman Emeritus* Monica Sasson*
Oscar Feldenkreis* Dror Zadok*
Paula Hertzberg Miriam Zadok*
Oren Kattan** Uzi Zohar

Board Members

Dr. Ann Ballen Aguilar David Greenberg Dr. Shirley Press
Michael A. Behar*** Joseph Hanono Ahuva Retter
Marcel Calef Uzi Hardoon Avi Samuels
Miguel Chocron Meir Izak Jose Tabacinic
Pini Dagan Miriam Jacobi Josielewski Fiona Welles
Rose Dagan Malka Kaduri Nancy Yariv
Ari Deshe Dan Karten ** Tzemach Yariv
Irwin Edelstein Dr. Rachel Lapidot Tova Yemin
Esther Fintz Eugene Lebovitz – z”l Rabbi Ariel Yeshurun
Marcos Fintz Rosy Lofer Tova Zohar
Gloria Garces Brad Meier **
Evan Glassman ** Ronit Neuman
Lisette Goldstein Joel Newman – Z”L
* Past President ** YL Past President *** YL President