Palm Beach Chapter

About the Palm Beach Chapter

Friends of the Israel Defense Forces’ Palm Beach Chapter is the organization’s newest chapter in Florida, founded in 2019. Which now is 7,000 supporters strong, the Palm Beach Chapter is one of the most active FIDF communities, covering the areas of North and Central Palm Beach County as well as Martin and St. Lucie Counties. The chapter is comprised of snowbirds and full time residents who are committed to easing the everyday lives of Israel’s soldiers.

The Palm Beach Chapter has adopted several IDF units, including the Ram, Taoz, Ofik, Afek, and Chiram battalions, providing them with a host of services to enhance their wellbeing. Members of our community are currently sponsoring over 50 former IDF soldiers with IMPACT! scholarships to pursue higher education. The chapter has also donated numerous construction projects such as leisure corners, gymnasiums and synagogues on IDF bases.

We demonstrate our unwavering support for the brave men and women of the IDF throughout the year with an annual community event, parlor meetings, events at synagogues, educational outreach at schools and our annual gala. Supporters are able to hear firsthand from IDF soldiers whose lives have been forever changed by FIDF programs.

upcoming events

Check back soon for more of our upcoming events!


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