2023 South Texas Annual Dinner

Dec 05, 2023


2023 South Texas Annual Dinner flyer


Join us on Tuesday evening, December 5th, at Congregation Beth Yeshurun for the FIDF South Texas Annual Dinner. This inspiring occasion allows us to hear from and thank the brave IDF soldiers who protect Israel – and Jews worldwide. This is more than an Annual Dinner; it’s an experience! Together, our community can donate to the IDF Soldiers through this event. The FIDF, with your support, will help the soldiers with well-being, educational programs, and a suite of incredible programs designed to offer support pre-service, during service, and as IDF veterans. Each FIDF program has a tremendous impact on not only the lives of these young heroes but all Israeli society. This is YOUR MOMENT! Don’t miss out!


Desiree and Max Blankfeld
Marjorie and Clive Fields
Elizabeth and David Grzebinski


If you are unable to attend but would like to donate, click here