Message From FIDF Leadership

Dear Friends,


In so many ways, in spite of so many challenges, 2021 was a landmark year for FIDF. Even after the combined human and economic devastation inflicted by COVID-19, you, our donors, met the challenge in almost inconceivable numbers.


Our work has advanced beyond simply being a noble cause; it’s becoming a movement. With our donor base remaining loyal and steadfast, even more amazing is the return of several thousand supporters who had contributed passionately in years past, plus the appearance of 7,700+ first-time donors who emerged determinedly, courageously, to join our community. Your unwavering support has allowed us to find new and innovative ways to meet the evolving needs of soldiers.


On behalf of every soldier of the Israel Defense Forces, we cannot even begin to thank you enough for your generosity and your concern for just how dire basic survival has become for so many. Life is hard anyway, but the challenges of the last couple of years have weighed heavily on IDF soldiers. Are you aware that the average of below-poverty-level soldiers rose from 8,000 individuals, swiftly, to more than 33,000?


Our inspiration for 2022, as it turns out, is actually you. We hear you, we see you, we share your values. The bravery of the young men and women serving in the IDF is legendary; the question is, how many of us will muster the personal courage to take real action, to serve, to honor them as best we can. It’s going to be an outstanding year, one in which we channel our momentum, and, no matter what lies ahead, we will take it on, fearlessly, together.


Steve Weil

Chief Executive Officer