The Bay Area Fidf Chapter Eager To Lend Support

For the Bay Area FIDF Chapter, 2021 was a year of tremendous success in fundraising to meet the needs of IDF soldiers. Within only a few days of an IDF ambulance being hit by a rocket during Operation Guardian of the Walls in May 2021, the Bay Area Chapter raised the $140,000 necessary to replace that ambulance, ensuring that there was no gap in emergency service availability for the IDF soldiers.

Similarly, immediately following FIDF’s launch of Mamriot, a new program that brings STEM and cyber education to girls in Israel’s periphery, the Bay Area Chapter was one of the first to jump on board, raising $130,000 to date and bringing in new donations every day.

Additionally, the Bay Area covered the cost of 34 new IMPACT! Scholarships in 2021. These scholarships give the gift of higher education to former combat and combat-support soldiers who come from low socio-economic backgrounds. We are thankful to the FIDF Bay Area community for your consistent and continued support.

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