New York Tri-State Women’s Division

Women have the extraordinary power to make an impact by supporting the FIDF and providing IDF soldiers life-changing opportunities. 

Women’s Campaign 

As female donors to FIDF, you are automatically entitled to join our Women’s Campaign. We unite women together to designate our female-driven dollars to projects that will best benefit Israeli soldiers serving in the IDF, especially women. We open doors to opportunity and give soldiers the promise for a brighter future and secure the future of Israel for generations to come. Our brave IDF soldiers need our support today! 

Donate towards our Women’s Campaign  

Women’s Brigade 

The Tri-State Women’s Brigade is the first female-only group with a shared passion for supporting IDF soldiers. This exclusive membership circle is comprised of women who have given a minimum of $3,600 annually to the Brigade. With a focus on fulfilling the specific needs of female IDF soldiers, together we make a tangible difference in their lives before, during, and after their service. Members enjoy priority access and executive invitation to exciting programs organized by our Cultural Committee including luncheons and events, stimulating speakers, and access to limited opportunities, all in the company of inspiring fellow female philanthropists. Once a year, we take part in a Mission to a country of our choice and Israel to see our dollars at work. The Women’s Brigade is the best way to amplify your individual impact, b’yachad 

Join our Women’s Brigade Now.