Tri-State Women’s Brigade Blazes New Trails

2021 brought tremendous growth for a niche group of Friends of the IDF: The Tri-State Women’s Brigade. Despite the continued uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic, the women of the brigade had a banner year for events and fundraising.


Female donors to FIDF are automatically eligible to join the Women’s Campaign, a group of female FIDF donors who make the philanthropy choices for their households.Women’s Brigade members give annual gifts of $3,600 or more.


The Women’s Brigade is a powerful fundraisingarm for the FIDF. In the last 10 months of 2021, close to $100,000 was raised by program participants. $45,000 was allocated towards the purchase of 500 pre-enlistment vouchers that will be distributed to soldiers from low socioeconomic backgrounds to enable them to buy personal supplies for their army service. Other funds will go towards Michve Alon’s Project Overcome, which provides teens with criminal records, behavioral issues, or language difficulties with the skills and rehabilitation necessary to allow them to serve successfully in the IDF.


The women enjoy priority access and invitations to exciting programs organized by the Brigade’s Cultural Committee. In 2021, such programs included a virtual event with Israeli female fashion designer Nili Lotan,a Hamptons luncheon, a ‘Tea Talk’ with Israeli singer Shir Peled, and a cooking demonstration and luncheon with chef Kim Kushner. Additionally, women gathered together for three in-person art events, an exciting treat after the virtual events of the previous year.


If you are new to the FIDF family, consider becoming a part of the Women’s Brigade and making a difference with a group of inspiring women.


Women’s Brigade Page