
All accommodations will provide premium amenities and be comfortable and convenient for the riders. Single and double room occupancy are available. Please mark your accommodation preferences at registration. Details on pricing are included on the registration form.

November 10th-15th: ROSH PINA

The Edmond Rosh Pina Hotel’s conception and design was inspired by the story of the Rosh Pina colony during the days of the Baron Rothschild in the 19th century. With a winning combination of classic and elegant design, the charming atmosphere of the picturesque village and a unique and uncompromising hospitality experience, break away from everyday life and explore the wonder of the pastoral scenery of the Galilee.

November 15th-17th: JERUSALEM

As one of Jerusalem’s finest, most luxurious hotels, The Inbal is ideally positioned as your ultimate gateway to explore Jerusalem’s authentic atmosphere, a pure reflection of the city in which it resides. Combining a sophisticated elegance with warmth and comfort. With the new room collection, The Inbal offers elegant comfort and luxury, combining a minimalistic yet warm approach to design. State-of-the-art amenities and premium services guarantee a luxuriant and serene stay – tranquil and harmonious, in the heart of the thriving, bustling city of Jerusalem.